Superfast IT


They are a leading MSP. The company was founded in 2002 and has since grown to become a key player in the MSP space in the UK serving SMBs and Charities in Birmingham and The West Midlands.


They faced challenges in expanding their client base and achieving business growth. Since businesses aren’t in need of MPSs at any given moment, it was tough to get in front of potential businesses that would be looking to change their service provider and use a different one. This meant that all the revenue was coming from existing clients and it was tough to acquire new ones.


Like most businesses, Superfast IT grew based on word of mouth. Up until 2023, this had been their primary source of lead acquisition. There were no systems implemented for lead acquisition, nurturing and conversion. They had to rely on other businesses recommending them or a potential client finding them through Google. There was no active acquisition strategy.

Eventually, the company hit a plateau and couldn’t grow. 

They knew what needed to be done but just didn’t know how to get there. There were many ideas but nobody to take over and implement them. Someone who could guide them in the execution of the strategies, build the team and generate new lead acquisition and conversion strategies. 

WHY Recap 

1. The business was relying heavily on referrals and had no marketing systems in place

2. The owner knew what needed to be done but needed help. 

3. They had hit a plateau in terms of growth 


After the initial deep dive, we realized that Superfast IT was relying on never having a client leave the business and that it had grown due to word of mouth. There was no marketing in place except for having Hubspot as a CRM to run the leads and send some casual emails. 

The lack of marketing systems meant that they relied on word of mouth and had no strategy to grow the business. 

We realized this was a big concern because it meant that at any given moment, leads would run dry, and there would be no new business coming in. We needed to implement systems, strategies, and new lead acquisition methods. We also needed to hire somebody to be in charge of executing all this for the business. So we agreed to hire a marketing coordinator. 

After reviewing many applicants, bringing one on, and having to fire afterward, we found the perfect fit. 

We executed a comprehensive marketing plan that included set up the CRM system and email marketing system, re-did website copy,implemented a lead capture system and an email nurture campaign and launched cold outreach and direct mail campaigns to get in front of high-priority prospects.


1. The owner knew what needed to be done but didn’t know how to get there. 

2. He understood it was necessary to invest money not only in systems but also in a team 

3. Building a lead acquisition process was paramount to ensure we would not rely only on word-of-mouth business. 


1. We started by finding a marketing coordinator 

2. We created a strategy focusing on creating multiple lead acquisition channels including: SEO Blogs, optimize the website, set up new lead capture systems (guide), cold email marketing and more. 

3. We slowly started building the lead acquisition systems to ensure the organic traffic to the website could be captured. We analyzed the ideal clients and created a lead magnet to attract them as well as a content calendar to create content for different social media platforms. 

4. We came up with a content strategy focusing on Linkedin, and SEO. We agreed to post regular LinkedIn content, cold email campaigns to acquire new leads and one blog article a week. 

5. We talked about a webinar inviting a cyber hacker to attract new businesses 

6. We implemented a shock and awe strategy to attract new prospects as clients. This led to two high-end, multi-million-pound deals that are in the nurturing process. 

7. We created a direct mail campaign for Valentine’s Day that resulted in three new businesses that are in the pipeline 

8. We made sure their opt-in sequences were all over the website. We also updated the website so that we were asking people to take a risk assessment test to learn more about our audience. 

9. We are currently in the process of setting up an event to invite potential leads and businesses to learn more about cybersecurity. 


1. Hired a marketing coordinator to spearhead lead acquisition efforts.

2. Developed a strategy focusing on SEO, website optimization, lead capture systems, and cold email marketing. 

3. Gradually built systems to capture organic traffic, created a lead magnet, and devised a content calendar for social media. 

4. Formulated a content strategy centered on LinkedIn and SEO, including regular posts, cold emails, and weekly blogs. 

5. Organized a webinar with a cyber hacker to attract businesses, employing a shock & awe strategy that secured two major deals. 

6. Launched a Valentine’s Day direct mail campaign, adding three new businesses to the pipeline. 

7. Enhanced the website with opt-in sequences and a risk assessment test to better understand the audience. 

8. Planning an event to educate potential leads and businesses on cybersecurity. 


Hiring a Marketing Coordinator: Centralizes marketing efforts, ensuring a cohesive and strategic approach to lead acquisition and brand promotion. 

Developing a Comprehensive Strategy: Incorporating SEO, website optimization, lead capture systems, and cold email marketing enhances online visibility, improves user experience, and increases lead generation efficiency. 

Building Lead Acquisition Systems: Capturing organic traffic effectively increases the quantity and quality of leads, facilitating a smoother transition of prospects through the sales funnel. 

Creating a Lead Magnet and Content Calendar: Attracts ideal clients and ensures consistent engagement with the target audience across social media platforms, building brand authority and trust. 

Formulating a Content Strategy with LinkedIn and SEO Focus: Increases professional network visibility, drives targeted traffic, and improves search engine rankings, leading to higher conversion rates. 

Shock & Awe Strategy and High-Value Deals: Creates memorable impressions that differentiate the brand, leading to significant business opportunities with potential for substantial revenue. 

Valentine’s Day Direct Mail Campaign: Utilizes creative marketing to capture attention and add new businesses to the pipeline, demonstrating the effectiveness of targeted direct mail strategies. 

Enhancing Website with Opt-In Sequences and Risk Assessment Test: Improves lead capture and provides valuable insights into the audience's needs, enabling more personalized and effective marketing strategies. 


We achieved a significant improvement in customer acquisition and sales growth. We were able to bring in 2 new businesses worth over 2MM each that were looking to change MSP companies in a timeframe of 3 months.

The implementation of systems, and re-activation campaigns allowed us to bring back a client that had left, taking us to 100% retention rate in 22 years of business. We created different automated nurturing systems that allowed us to capture leads effortlessly and have them in our scope for the sales team to reach out to. All these efforts lead to a substantial increase in revenue.

“During our time working with Vicente, we’ve built out our marketing systems, and we now have a process that brings in leads who convert to new clients. Vicente has been a pleasure to work with, and he has built up a great understanding of our business. He’s always provided excellent advice, guidance, and support to get us to where we are today. His help has been transformational for our business.” - James Cash 


1. Trust the process. It can take up to six months to begin seeing returns. But if you trust the process and make the changes we advise, you will see a ROI and growth. 

2. You can’t do everything at once. We’ll help you prioritize what can be done and what fits in with your budget. 

3. We hold you accountable. It’s the best way to get results. For example, we track the SuperfastIT website traffic and conversions intensely to optimize consistently. 

4. Be willing to attack your goals. James’s team is relentless. He’s worked really hard on implementation. As a result, there is now more momentum.